Tuesday, November 30, 2010

First Attempt

Here is my first attempt at emailing in my blog.  I've also added a setting (because of my lack of blogging recently) that will email some people in the event that I blog.  Apparently, I can also add pictures through email as well.  If this whole thing works, it will be the coolest thing EVER!!!!!

Here's hoping!

Trying to do sit-ups with a toddler laying on your stomach is quite interesting.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas Lights

Lowest Price of the Season...

Is the most annoying phrase EVER!!!! Especially during the holidays, this phrase shows up to entice buyers into a spending fury. However, when is it really true? For example, one advertisement I looked at this weekend displayed this "lowest price of the season" proudly over its page, when I know in fact that it was cheaper a few months ago. ARG!! And this wonderful phrase is all over the commercials as well, so when I hear it, it's like nails on a chalkboard.......or a fork scrapping a plate! When will it ever end!? Ooooo, another word that has been really bugging me lately is......oh, I blocked it...give me a minute to remember........okay, here it is "woot, woot." Again, it completely annoys me. Why? I have absolutely no idea on this one. Maybe it has replaced my favorite phrase of "woo hoo" and I give it the cold shoulder because of that. All I know is that every time I read it, I can't help but roll my eyes.

And while I'm on a roll, what is up with people not using their blinkers! It's easy enough to use the windshield wipers, right? So why not give the other knobby some attention! You turn, you blink. Are these people trying to pull one over on us? Do they think their blinker is not worthy of being used? Are they changing their mind at the last minute? I just don't get it. This is something that Caitlin (and Colton now) has heard a lot about in the car while we are out and about. Even when Caitlin is playing around with her keys, cell phone, and purse in hand, I reminder her to use her blinker when she's out. Not using your blinker is like going out naked in public....why would you want to do that.....they'd see all your jiggly bits!

And I will now leave you with that image.....hahahahaha.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Is it true?

It cannot possibly be true that Colton has already reached the "sleeping through the night" phase of his babyhood! But for 4 nights in a row now, he hasn't been getting up until 7am!!!! I'm in such disbelief (and rather well rested)! Caitlin didn't sleep through the night until she was a year old and here is Colton at almost 3 months snoozing away until the morning! I'm not sure how long it will last, but I will cherish every full night of sleep I get!

On a side note, I just noticed how many exclamation points I used in that paragraph. Hmmm, maybe I drank my iced coffee a little too fast this afternoon! I bribed Caitlin with fries so Nancy could take photos of her and Colton and I couldn't resist getting an iced coffee as well! Oh and I confess, I did get a cheeseburger too.....and ate some of the fries.....okay, maybe a LOT of her fries. But I digress.

I don't have very much more to do to prepare for turkey day tomorrow. I just need to prep the potatoes, onions, and make the cheesecake. But I developed a bad case of Christmas fever pretty early this year so I'm washing Christmas towels, pillowcases, and tops for the kids as we speak (or type). I've also consumed ridiculous amounts of gingerbread cookies (with sprinkles of course). On the downside of this Christmas fever, I haven't really thought about what gifts we need to get. I think when we pick up the Black Friday ads, I'll be more inspired.

Alright, it's time for me to......drat! All this caffeine has made my brain a scrambled mess and I can't focus (or remember) what I was just going to do! Time to retrace my steps!

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Caitlin

Well our little bug is now TWO years old! Her birthday fell on a Wednesday and we celebrated by having her favorite dinner (pesto ravioli, broccoli, and avocado) and mini cakes for dessert. We followed that with presents and Toy Story 3! Caitlin seemed to like the movie. We had watched the first two movies the two weeks before her birthday to get ready for the event. When she watched the first movie, she was shocked to see Buzz and Woody (both of which she has) talk!

On Friday we all headed over to Y-town to celebrate her birthday with family at my brother and Sarah's house. Before we got there, we stopped in Medford at Toys R Us so Caitlin could pick out ANY toy she wanted. This was a total daddy/daughter thing. Dennis had been looking forward to Toys R Us for weeks! Caitlin ended up choosing a little ball. She almost went for a dancing Mickey Mouse, but in the end, she couldn't let go of the ball....at least it's fushia!
We stayed at my dad's house and then Colton and I headed in early to get ready for the party. My mom made chocolate and funfetti cupcakes and I decorated them to look like sunflowers. We ordered mexican food platters which were REALLY good. Caitlin got quite a few new outfits, two baby dolls, a sticker book with crayons, magna doodle, record player, purse, stroller, and a retro red kitchen! It was so awesome of everyone to get her such cool stuff! After the party we had planned to drive back home, but Dennis was really tired so we decided to stay with J, K, B, and M. Caitlin had a great time playing with her cousins and it was nice to relax after the party.

On the 10th we took Caitlin for her 2 year check-up. She weighed 23lbs and was 32 inches tall. She still is a tiny thing putting her in the 8th percentile for her weight! Thankfully, her daddy was there to comfort her after the shots. I also had the doctor listen to Colton's lungs because he'd had a cough for a few days.....and he was just fine. Back at home, it was Yo Gabba Gabba and a cookie for the little bug for her big day at the doctor.

I really can't believe my baby girl is already 2! Before we know it, she'll be going to kindergarten!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Princess Peach and Toadstool

So we made it out to the mall yesterday and Caitlin had a blast! She said trick or treat and thank you to almost everyone who gave her candy. In fact, she was so cute in her costume, two different businesses gave her special treats! We also ran into another brother/sister combination of Princess Peach and Toadstool! Colton was super cute, but about half way through, he just wanted to be held. On the way home, we let Caitlin eat her candy (yes, before dinner too). Then she got into the candy bowl at home and opened her first Milky Way! She ate the whole thing and went back for more! The bowl soon found its way onto a higher shelf.

We had several trick or treaters and Dennis decided we should give whole candy bars next year! It should be fun!

Oh, and I don't think I did so bad on the homemade costumes! I may even do it again next year!