Saturday, October 8, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

It was a great day to go to the pumpkin patch! We had a bright blue sky and the sun was REALLY warm when the breeze wasn't blowing. The kids had so much fun and Dennis and I loved watching them walk and run all over the patch. Caitlin put about 6-8 pumpkins in the cart before she chose the one to take home. Colton was able to get one teeny tiny pumpkin in the cart. I think he rather enjoyed pushing and trying to pull the cart along the path. The pumpkin patch also had pony rides. We'd seen them a few weeks ago at the medieval festival, but I'm a little leery about having her do that yet. We finished the day by having pizza and BBQ wings for lunch. Colton and Dennis are napping while I blog and Caitlin watches TV (and hopefully doesn't fall asleep!).

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Crystal said...

So much fun. I miss going to the pumpkin patch. Your little ones are getting so big :~)
It looks like little man is getting sissy's curly hair. He's going to be a little Gerber baby :)

Nancy Bergenske said...

I couldn't believe it when I opened my inbox and saw seven posts by you!! Glad you got caught up before starting work. :-) My favorite pics are the two close ups of the kids. Super sweet! Can't wait to catch up on Saturday.